26°57,3'N, 142°16,8'E – At this location in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Japanese marine biologist Tsunemi Kubodera took the first-ever pictures of a living giant squid in its natural environment. His discovery was the starting point for a book about the deep sea.
Letterpress print in German and Japanese using polymer plates and vinyl mats in blue, grey and black.
Translation into Japanese by Yuji Nawata.
Printed on 50-year-old toshaban-genshi paper.
Illustrated with nautical charts and scientific data on the Architeuthis, provided by Tsunemi Kubodera from the National Museum of Science, Tokyo.
Flexible cover made of clear vellum, embossed in black.
Box made of semi-transparent acrylic.
First edition of the German text and Japanese translation. (Architeuthis, Remora)
46 pages. 24 cm x 45.3 cm.
Edition of 36 copies using Arabic numerals and 8 copies using Roman numerals
Tokyo, 2007