Robert Gernhardt // Ach

In direct and forthright language, Robert Gernhardt’s poem »Ach« describes a situation that everyone has to face eventually: the confrontation with death. The text is illustrated with collages made of Chinese »hell money,« paper bills that are meant to guarantee an easy way of life in the hereafter.

Collage of Chinese hell money, pasted between two layers of thin mitsumata paper and printed with varnish.
Letterpress print using zinc plates with pink fluorescent printing ink on ganpi-paper strips.
Coptic binding into a mitsumata-cardboard cover also printed with varnish.
Light brown case made of GA file with printed title in pink and closed with a banderole of hell money.
20 pages. 32.5 cm x 32.0 cm
Edition of 25 copies using Arabic numerals and 5 copies using Roman numerals
Tokyo, 2003